woe to touch the sacred areas in PD!
Comunicato stampa
Perché tanto baccano?
Può la più banale ed innocua delle interpellanze suscitare sorpresa nella maggioranza? A quanto pare sì ,quando si va a mettere il naso nei feudi intoccabili di “sua maestà PD” come Granarolo Faentino. Un luogo ove vi sono espressioni di voto da Bassa Romagna a favore left the former PCI, and where no other "must" put its beak, not even the city councilors, even on the road. Councillor Sangiorgi I'm just saying, if someone came to me, clearly calls for more guarantees than what is happening and it is clear that there are still people free to think and how they want to trust those who believe that without going through the party all think and we have to occupy exclusively. Invite the counselor to better deal with Sangiorgi's intention to tackle the problems and not waste time writing nonsense in the newspapers, with the only result in loss of time to others.
Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC
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