Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Catchy Dance Theme Phrases



La situazione politica faentina a pochi mesi dalle elezioni riscontra alcune imprevedibili novità ,impensabili fino a poco tempo fa ,ma come sempre la realtà supera la fantasia. Vi è l’indifferibile necessità di ridurre le spese francamente eccessive sostenute finora in tempi di abbondanza di risorse; le condizioni hours have changed, and most obviously in Faenza as elsewhere in Italy, be closed, a "frugal" in the management of public affairs. In all this, however, have clear guidelines should be animated by a background of values \u200b\u200band principles that lead to strong ethical choices and shared. In the painful choices necessary to protect the priorities and amenities that need work, you must have in mind such cuts could lead to social sconquassi and those that relate to good governance designed to prevent waste. Today we see that this difficult task brings nervousness in the administration of Faenza. The superficial statements of the Mayor on the issue of school safety average Europe are a worrying sign of a difficulty, given the inexperience in dealing with difficult issues, but not unsolvable. It is not about safety, social services for the most vulnerable on the school, which can make heavy cuts on other things such as the FAC, such as the MIC, for example, voice over which the Mayor has done a minimum savings , it must intervene by giving precise signals that there is a new beginning, a new way to serious and competent to address the problems, otherwise we will be before the natural continuation of a system that we already know well. So in the hope that many of the issues mentioned above are resolved before this article goes to print invitation il Sindaco ad affrontare la difficile situazione con i nervi saldi : calma e gesso! si diceva tempo fa nelle maggiori difficoltà.

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC


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