Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Downtown Los Angelesgay Cruising

what is going on public money?


Terre Naldi: need a Special Commission of Inquiry

E 'arrived in the City Council, through a communication from the Mayor, the story on the debt situation of Terre Naldi. During the discussion has emerged from all groups in the board's continuing need for clarity on the ground fully understand the reasons for the emergence of a situation that has led at different times to create a "hole" at the expense of the budget restored Faenza community amounting to about € 740,000. Taking a cue from the letter sent by the mayors and auditors under article 17 of the Regulations of the City Council, I consider overriding the request to establish a Special Commission of Inquiry which has access to all documents necessary to understand the procedures and responsibilities have created a safe condition detrimental to the budget of the Municipality of Faenza. All this to protect the good performance of the management of the municipal budget and in particular by ensuring the Municipal Councillors in the choices that can and should be operated in this area.
At first glance, and based on the documentation thus far I seem to detect a sort of "maladministration" with limited economic choices appropriate to the proper use of public goods and money, will be the Special Commission of Inquiry, when analyzed in depth question, to say the final word.

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Want To Buy Nembutal

competition bluff!


Concorso “burla” per la segreteria del Sindaco?

Sarà capitato a molti giovani in cerca di occupazione di visitare il sito del Comune di Faenza per verificare l’emissione di bandi di concorso per le assunzioni, fatto oramai raro nelle amministrazioni pubbliche.
Sarà capitato di imbattersi in uno strano avviso pubblico di assunzione a tempo determinato per lo staff del Sindaco.
Sarà capitato di aprire il file e come me di stupirsi per le modalità del bando, con caratteristiche specifiche e richieste tanto particolari che probabilmente solo uno o due potranno avere speranze. Ma ciò che più stupisce in un bando pubblico è che il Sindaco potrà a suo “insindacabile” giudizio assumere chi gli pare. (art.4)
Allora vi è da chiedersi il perché di questa pantomima, di questa messa in scena, se come sembra comunque il prescelto è già deciso e se ,come fanno tutti gli altri Sindaci , vi è la possibilità di chiamata diretta senza commedie che offendono il buon senso? Un concorso comporta spese non indifferenti, ed a proposito di spese faccio notare che questa nuova figura si va a sovrapporre in parte per funzioni ad altre due, una tempo determinato ,un’ altra a tempo indeterminato già presenti e che in sostanza svolgono le stesse mansioni previste nel bando.
Quali sono quindi i criteri del risparmio e della trasparenza tante volte sbandierati e posti all’inizio di qualsiasi considerazione o risposta data dall’ amministrazione ai cittadini su qualsiasi questione?
La coerenza delle scelte dovrebbe riguardare per primi gli amministratori: sta a loro dare il buon esempio!

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Catchy Dance Theme Phrases



La situazione politica faentina a pochi mesi dalle elezioni riscontra alcune imprevedibili novità ,impensabili fino a poco tempo fa ,ma come sempre la realtà supera la fantasia. Vi è l’indifferibile necessità di ridurre le spese francamente eccessive sostenute finora in tempi di abbondanza di risorse; le condizioni hours have changed, and most obviously in Faenza as elsewhere in Italy, be closed, a "frugal" in the management of public affairs. In all this, however, have clear guidelines should be animated by a background of values \u200b\u200band principles that lead to strong ethical choices and shared. In the painful choices necessary to protect the priorities and amenities that need work, you must have in mind such cuts could lead to social sconquassi and those that relate to good governance designed to prevent waste. Today we see that this difficult task brings nervousness in the administration of Faenza. The superficial statements of the Mayor on the issue of school safety average Europe are a worrying sign of a difficulty, given the inexperience in dealing with difficult issues, but not unsolvable. It is not about safety, social services for the most vulnerable on the school, which can make heavy cuts on other things such as the FAC, such as the MIC, for example, voice over which the Mayor has done a minimum savings , it must intervene by giving precise signals that there is a new beginning, a new way to serious and competent to address the problems, otherwise we will be before the natural continuation of a system that we already know well. So in the hope that many of the issues mentioned above are resolved before this article goes to print invitation il Sindaco ad affrontare la difficile situazione con i nervi saldi : calma e gesso! si diceva tempo fa nelle maggiori difficoltà.

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC

Custom Made Wushu Uniform

woe to touch the sacred areas in PD!

Comunicato stampa

Perché tanto baccano?

Può la più banale ed innocua delle interpellanze suscitare sorpresa nella maggioranza? A quanto pare sì ,quando si va a mettere il naso nei feudi intoccabili di “sua maestà PD” come Granarolo Faentino. Un luogo ove vi sono espressioni di voto da Bassa Romagna a favore left the former PCI, and where no other "must" put its beak, not even the city councilors, even on the road. Councillor Sangiorgi I'm just saying, if someone came to me, clearly calls for more guarantees than what is happening and it is clear that there are still people free to think and how they want to trust those who believe that without going through the party all think and we have to occupy exclusively. Invite the counselor to better deal with Sangiorgi's intention to tackle the problems and not waste time writing nonsense in the newspapers, with the only result in loss of time to others.

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Kool Gay Place In Kolkata

public money, where do they go?


Case Manfredi

Sign. Mayor
few years the Municipality of Faenza is the owner of a building at the side of the local library called "Case Manfredi." This building was acquired by exercising the right of first refusal on a private agreement that would give rise to a redevelopment project aimed at transforming the entire residential area. Now the same area is in a state of total decay and abandonment, there is a risk of collapse of buildings very old and dilapidated, the lack of maintenance has resulted in the development of the green area of \u200b\u200beach kind of plant and the likely proliferation of insects and wild animals or reptiles, rats certainly large. No trace of that project so that the then Councillor Valenti had to get a glimpse of the consent of the City Council, no action for the expansion of the library, but only a state of degradation which now has heavy implications on public safety and hygiene . Considering that it is yet to come to the restructuring of the former church of the servants always intended expansion of the library, and considering the state di degrado di Case Manfredi, interrogo l’Amministrazione Comunale per conoscere se vi è l’intenzione di intervenire per la bonifica dell’area e per la sua riqualificazione.

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC