Sunday, November 28, 2010

Deposit Check Wachovia Atm

What's New?

About six months before the elections and the proclamation of the new mayor and his council, should do a little examination of the situation. Since the primary about a year ago he started with bombastic proclamations of change ed innovazione facendo polpette della passata amministrazione sempre di sinistra accusandola di ogni negatività. Poi ,dopo la vittoria alle elezioni di aprile i toni si sono piano piano ammorbiditi fino ad arrivare alla condizione di oggi in cui i percorsi politici sembrano sostanzialmente consequenziali. Certo si sta affrontando con provvedimenti anche impopolari l’ emergenza economica derivata dall’uscita dal patto di stabilità, ma in sostanza nelle grandi scelte amministrative e nelle strategie non si produce quel cambiamento che la città si aspettava e che gli elettori tutt’oggi richiedono. Basti pensare al via libera dato all’insediamento del life stile village (outlet), già previsto da tempo e neppure modificato in ultima analysis, a settlement fatal to the old town and its market, then added to other choices already made and not modified, all designed to desertification of the city center. Continuity in the facts of what had been harshly (and rightly) criticized that puzzled and perplexed, in fact even a line of health services at all against the choice of consenting Ravenna, and very urgent need to open a dispute on the prospects of the Hospital for the Sick of Faenza and services across the country in pursuit of the new organization for a wide area. A general framework for concern and require more consistency and we need is that next year, after told everyone that there is no money to do almost anything, rivedessimo red balloons in the city wasted Festival of Contemporary ....
In giving to all best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2011, I add the hope that the owner of Faenza find the courage to make the choices necessary for the good of the city.

Gilberto Bucci Faenza
Your Parent-UDC


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