Saturday, July 17, 2010

Poems For A Wishing Tree

to let us smell!

Sign. Sindaco,
non passa giorno ormai che non riceva segnalazioni dai cittadini circa lo stato di degrado air quality in the central north of the city. The areas most affected by the disruption surrounding the distilleries are to be those established for some time in the fabric of the city. Emissions annoying, and you do not know how harmful, cause in some people even more susceptible to eye irritations and respiratory tract. The odors that are perceived to be by the sickening sweet, until you get to real stench unbearable especially in summer when you sleep with the windows open. A state of deep distress for some time complained of, which so far has not been given any solution that can mitigate social conflict date from unhealthy activities in contact with the population. It goes back some time ago a project Oleificio Tampieri it was meant to eliminate most of the malodorous emissions, was submitted and approved by the City Council, then it is not heard nothing, nor of the future development and the subsequent effects. A "nose" is not changed that much so on this point is essential to clarify the official ARPA and the Department of Environment.
also a concern of the new investment CAVIRO centered on the production of biogas known to be the bearer of unbearable stench, also thinking of the provisions of the PSC that provide for a 'residential expansion in areas adjacent to the plant. I question
pertanto l’Amministrazione Comunale per conoscere:
-se nelle principali distillerie della zona centro nord della città: DisterCoop , Tampieri e Caviro siano utilizzate le BAT (best availables technologies) per la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale
- lo stato della realizzazione del progetto di cui sopra per la riduzione delle emissioni maleodoranti o nocive dell’oleificio Tampieri
- la verifica accurata della previsione delle emissioni del nuovo progetto C aviro
- la verifica sull’impatto ambientale della Distercoop

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC


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