Monday, December 13, 2010

Does Mirena Hurt When Removed

what a shame!

Comunicato stampa


E tanto tuonò che piovve! Il PD scioglie l’arcano! Difende la mala gestio della società Terre Naldi ! quale incredibile metamorfosi dalle affermazioni di pochi months ago (during the campaign ...) all times and ready to cite transparency and efficiency as principles which guided the conduct of public affairs! This is done by preventing the councilors to set up the Special Commission of Inquiry which may occur independently fund and shares responsibility for managing the company, due to a gap of € 740,000.00 spread over two years. And then if the DS, PD, which controls the left has nothing to fear because they do not allow an 'act of transparency? But what if there was something to hide and cover not yet emerged because if you do not have responsibility?
hard to think of a survey "government" to correct the Assessor Environment of the 'environment' and a mayor seen several times during the campaign arm in arm with the administrators at the time of Terre Naldi!
If the foolishness of the position taken by the PD will not change is inevitable, then the complaint to the Court of Auditors, where the majority vote counts for nothing dumb, I would not be consolidated with these attitudes in the majority opinion that all are involved and Sorry that it is the young Democrat hopefuls at groped to cover up the question: who starts badly ... We have not had access to all documents deemed necessary, as is appropriate in the provision of all contracts and invoices, in short, of all documentation relating to the creation of the "hole" to identify the cause or responsibility. The glass ceiling that leaves room for a thousand inexplicable suppositions, it is certain that the PD has two morals, strict for others, a permissive for himself, it seems that that is enough and scrap ...

Gilberto Bucci

Parent-LTF UDC

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Deposit Check Wachovia Atm

What's New?

About six months before the elections and the proclamation of the new mayor and his council, should do a little examination of the situation. Since the primary about a year ago he started with bombastic proclamations of change ed innovazione facendo polpette della passata amministrazione sempre di sinistra accusandola di ogni negatività. Poi ,dopo la vittoria alle elezioni di aprile i toni si sono piano piano ammorbiditi fino ad arrivare alla condizione di oggi in cui i percorsi politici sembrano sostanzialmente consequenziali. Certo si sta affrontando con provvedimenti anche impopolari l’ emergenza economica derivata dall’uscita dal patto di stabilità, ma in sostanza nelle grandi scelte amministrative e nelle strategie non si produce quel cambiamento che la città si aspettava e che gli elettori tutt’oggi richiedono. Basti pensare al via libera dato all’insediamento del life stile village (outlet), già previsto da tempo e neppure modificato in ultima analysis, a settlement fatal to the old town and its market, then added to other choices already made and not modified, all designed to desertification of the city center. Continuity in the facts of what had been harshly (and rightly) criticized that puzzled and perplexed, in fact even a line of health services at all against the choice of consenting Ravenna, and very urgent need to open a dispute on the prospects of the Hospital for the Sick of Faenza and services across the country in pursuit of the new organization for a wide area. A general framework for concern and require more consistency and we need is that next year, after told everyone that there is no money to do almost anything, rivedessimo red balloons in the city wasted Festival of Contemporary ....
In giving to all best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2011, I add the hope that the owner of Faenza find the courage to make the choices necessary for the good of the city.

Gilberto Bucci Faenza
Your Parent-UDC

Saleen Ford Focus Specs

health and social!

FAENZA 27-11.-10


Sign. Mayor, more than a year after the closure of Villa Stace, already the subject of several questions in his time, one wonders where he is finishing the project which involved the activation a nucleus for acquired disability for the elderly at the "Fontanone" beds for 50/60 Department of Protected high social and health care and nursing. Beyond the need for clarity in respect of the management of the ASP and the sustainability of the project, there is predominant for me the need for a service increasingly demanded by the population and unexpectedly cut into his time with the closing of an agreement with the nursing home Stace.
I question, therefore, the City Council to take charge of this need for clarity with respect to all, especially those who suffer from conditions of great discomfort for the lack of certainty per un servizio necessario a tutta la città e non solo.

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Simmi Garewalmera Naam Joker



F a e n z a

Premio Europa 1968
Gilberto Bucci

Faenza, 23 novembre 2010

Comunicato stampa


Genera abbastanza sconcerto apprendere dalla stampa di una vertenza tra i dipendenti comunali e l’Amministrazione data dalla volontà di tagliare gli incentivi productivity.

There is also a criterion in the management of savings and cut spending repeatedly stressed in my work.

If there must be sacrifices to be linear and for all employees and managers. If the cuts were to affect only part of the city employees would be an unrealistic and unjust policies with negative operating on the same machine hall.

We know the odds of incentives that are affected by the ventilation measure: they are very minor. It would be different if, from the Office of the Mayor, you initiate a real savings by cutting advice followed, until the cut lineare delle incentivazioni che riguardi tutta la macchina amministrativa del Comune, sempre che, a prescindere, il taglio all’incentivazione sia da considerarsi uno strumento giusto per il risparmio.

Invito pertanto il Sindaco e l’Amministrazione alla prudenza nell’affrontare una questione che può mettere in serio pericolo la serenità del lavoro e l’efficienza amministrativa della macchina comunale.

(Gilberto Bucci)
Capogruppo Consiliare “La tua Faenza-UDC”

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Watch Bottomless Party Harold And Kumar Clip

program trades

Comunicato stampa

Outlet o lifestile village:va in onda l’ipocrisia

A margine delle discussioni e delle prese di position related to the arrival of the mega outlet Faenza some considerations should be recorded. First we must analyze the position of the associations of the traders Faenza so silent that no detailed plan to either an observation of the project at issue, both silent as to support only the good fight of the traders in the historic center Sunday against the opening, removing The real problem, namely the shift downstream of the city of all interest in shopping.
The other issue is the calling card of Faenza. He had asked for and obtained a room for Majolica for the promotion of the territory, but has always been sadly and blatantly initiative vacuum incumbent Municipal Administration and now you try to pouring out the same formula for the mega outlet, who knows what fabled return to the image of Faenza. But someone has ever asked what is the first impact of each of the tens of thousands of people expected to reach the huge shopping area adjacent to the toll of Faenza? A horrible stench, a revolting smell, that you comb if you open the window, which sucks even those who live close can get used to, so much is being yet another protest with the collection of signatures. With this card, known throughout Italy now, alas, those who venture to explore the city, Despite the value of its artistic and cultural? A number of inconsistencies that will surely bring into serious doubt the heralded positivity of the entire system set up by the left to give priority to large-scale distribution of the commercial district in Faenza and beyond. All we need is that, even with a large investment, albeit with an important collection of fees by municipalities, not even partially solved the serious employment problems of our country! A final consideration should be made sull'assetto economic territory now heavily unbalanced and definitely on the commercial, and investment and would take initiatives to strengthen the manufacturing base: other places where you do not need to spend money, we need places where produce wealth and jobs, better ants crickets ..! In all this the new Government of Faenza has just completed the intentions of the City Council passed, more and left, but fiercely criticized in primary elections and then photocopied attitudes. Everything changes because nothing changes ....

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Downtown Los Angelesgay Cruising

what is going on public money?


Terre Naldi: need a Special Commission of Inquiry

E 'arrived in the City Council, through a communication from the Mayor, the story on the debt situation of Terre Naldi. During the discussion has emerged from all groups in the board's continuing need for clarity on the ground fully understand the reasons for the emergence of a situation that has led at different times to create a "hole" at the expense of the budget restored Faenza community amounting to about € 740,000. Taking a cue from the letter sent by the mayors and auditors under article 17 of the Regulations of the City Council, I consider overriding the request to establish a Special Commission of Inquiry which has access to all documents necessary to understand the procedures and responsibilities have created a safe condition detrimental to the budget of the Municipality of Faenza. All this to protect the good performance of the management of the municipal budget and in particular by ensuring the Municipal Councillors in the choices that can and should be operated in this area.
At first glance, and based on the documentation thus far I seem to detect a sort of "maladministration" with limited economic choices appropriate to the proper use of public goods and money, will be the Special Commission of Inquiry, when analyzed in depth question, to say the final word.

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Monday, October 18, 2010

I Want To Buy Nembutal

competition bluff!


Concorso “burla” per la segreteria del Sindaco?

Sarà capitato a molti giovani in cerca di occupazione di visitare il sito del Comune di Faenza per verificare l’emissione di bandi di concorso per le assunzioni, fatto oramai raro nelle amministrazioni pubbliche.
Sarà capitato di imbattersi in uno strano avviso pubblico di assunzione a tempo determinato per lo staff del Sindaco.
Sarà capitato di aprire il file e come me di stupirsi per le modalità del bando, con caratteristiche specifiche e richieste tanto particolari che probabilmente solo uno o due potranno avere speranze. Ma ciò che più stupisce in un bando pubblico è che il Sindaco potrà a suo “insindacabile” giudizio assumere chi gli pare. (art.4)
Allora vi è da chiedersi il perché di questa pantomima, di questa messa in scena, se come sembra comunque il prescelto è già deciso e se ,come fanno tutti gli altri Sindaci , vi è la possibilità di chiamata diretta senza commedie che offendono il buon senso? Un concorso comporta spese non indifferenti, ed a proposito di spese faccio notare che questa nuova figura si va a sovrapporre in parte per funzioni ad altre due, una tempo determinato ,un’ altra a tempo indeterminato già presenti e che in sostanza svolgono le stesse mansioni previste nel bando.
Quali sono quindi i criteri del risparmio e della trasparenza tante volte sbandierati e posti all’inizio di qualsiasi considerazione o risposta data dall’ amministrazione ai cittadini su qualsiasi questione?
La coerenza delle scelte dovrebbe riguardare per primi gli amministratori: sta a loro dare il buon esempio!

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Catchy Dance Theme Phrases



La situazione politica faentina a pochi mesi dalle elezioni riscontra alcune imprevedibili novità ,impensabili fino a poco tempo fa ,ma come sempre la realtà supera la fantasia. Vi è l’indifferibile necessità di ridurre le spese francamente eccessive sostenute finora in tempi di abbondanza di risorse; le condizioni hours have changed, and most obviously in Faenza as elsewhere in Italy, be closed, a "frugal" in the management of public affairs. In all this, however, have clear guidelines should be animated by a background of values \u200b\u200band principles that lead to strong ethical choices and shared. In the painful choices necessary to protect the priorities and amenities that need work, you must have in mind such cuts could lead to social sconquassi and those that relate to good governance designed to prevent waste. Today we see that this difficult task brings nervousness in the administration of Faenza. The superficial statements of the Mayor on the issue of school safety average Europe are a worrying sign of a difficulty, given the inexperience in dealing with difficult issues, but not unsolvable. It is not about safety, social services for the most vulnerable on the school, which can make heavy cuts on other things such as the FAC, such as the MIC, for example, voice over which the Mayor has done a minimum savings , it must intervene by giving precise signals that there is a new beginning, a new way to serious and competent to address the problems, otherwise we will be before the natural continuation of a system that we already know well. So in the hope that many of the issues mentioned above are resolved before this article goes to print invitation il Sindaco ad affrontare la difficile situazione con i nervi saldi : calma e gesso! si diceva tempo fa nelle maggiori difficoltà.

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC

Custom Made Wushu Uniform

woe to touch the sacred areas in PD!

Comunicato stampa

Perché tanto baccano?

Può la più banale ed innocua delle interpellanze suscitare sorpresa nella maggioranza? A quanto pare sì ,quando si va a mettere il naso nei feudi intoccabili di “sua maestà PD” come Granarolo Faentino. Un luogo ove vi sono espressioni di voto da Bassa Romagna a favore left the former PCI, and where no other "must" put its beak, not even the city councilors, even on the road. Councillor Sangiorgi I'm just saying, if someone came to me, clearly calls for more guarantees than what is happening and it is clear that there are still people free to think and how they want to trust those who believe that without going through the party all think and we have to occupy exclusively. Invite the counselor to better deal with Sangiorgi's intention to tackle the problems and not waste time writing nonsense in the newspapers, with the only result in loss of time to others.

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Kool Gay Place In Kolkata

public money, where do they go?


Case Manfredi

Sign. Mayor
few years the Municipality of Faenza is the owner of a building at the side of the local library called "Case Manfredi." This building was acquired by exercising the right of first refusal on a private agreement that would give rise to a redevelopment project aimed at transforming the entire residential area. Now the same area is in a state of total decay and abandonment, there is a risk of collapse of buildings very old and dilapidated, the lack of maintenance has resulted in the development of the green area of \u200b\u200beach kind of plant and the likely proliferation of insects and wild animals or reptiles, rats certainly large. No trace of that project so that the then Councillor Valenti had to get a glimpse of the consent of the City Council, no action for the expansion of the library, but only a state of degradation which now has heavy implications on public safety and hygiene . Considering that it is yet to come to the restructuring of the former church of the servants always intended expansion of the library, and considering the state di degrado di Case Manfredi, interrogo l’Amministrazione Comunale per conoscere se vi è l’intenzione di intervenire per la bonifica dell’area e per la sua riqualificazione.

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Incresed Wetness Week Before Period

La crisi si affronta con la rivolta morale

Non passa giorno che le cronache del nostro bel Paese non ci propongano nuove edizioni di personaggi i quali ,senza scrupolo alcuno, persistono nell’opera corruttrice della vita pubblica della nostra società. Si può affermare che, oramai, dagli allevatori fuorilegge per le quote latte fino alle speculazioni bancarie dell’alta finanza sulla pelle dei cittadini, tutti i settori ove circoli denaro, sono inquinati da strisciante corruzione, fino a correre il rischio dell’assuefazione alla sua ineluttabile presenza nella vita di tutti noi.
Anche il consolidato regime delle sinistre nella nostra regione non è immune da questo rischio, numerose sono le inchieste partite dalla magistratura,ne attendiamo gli esiti.
La politica deve reagire, deve diventare il luogo del servizio alla società,non mettere la società al proprio servizio,la politica ha il dovere,oggi più che mai ,nel momento in cui ne viene messa in dubbio l’utilità e la funzione, di mettere in campo le forze migliori con proposte nuove e limpide per dare quella risposta moralizzatrice of public life now postponed. The alternative is the decline and confusion in which many hope to hide and conceal their misdeeds, dragging the country into a bottomless pit.
About this, I now feel a lot of mention Don Luigi Sturzo sometimes with phrases for effect, sometimes extrapolated from a sentence context. The example of the moralizing public life of Don Sturzo, must be known and applied in full, first of all to themselves to sacrifice their own ambitions in front of the common good. Who today is willing to what? Sturzo Don was born to a wealthy family, he died without having in itself nothing more than the indispensable, having given all of himself to his vocation and the country denouncing the "three evil beasts: party politics, abuse of public money and statism" as enemies to fight. Today more than ever, we must take the battle to save the country.

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Ikea Spare Part Replacement

Air quality in the north: the junta's inconsistent answers

In yesterday's session 14-7-10, the City Council of Faenza, I submitted the interpellation concerning air quality in the north. The response of the Ass. Savini has been inconsistent, as he said that those farms are equipped with integrated environmental permit (AIA) e possono svolgere pertanto lavorazioni che producono maleodore. Ci mancherebbe altro, se non avessero le necessarie autorizzazioni; ma il punto non è questo,la materia del contendere sta tutta nella violazione del diritto di tutti i cittadini nessuno escluso a poter vivere dignitosamente la propria vita senza essere disturbati quotidianamente da altrui attività, senza contare anche i sempre più frequenti disturbi fisici segnalati, come nausee od irritazioni delle mucose,provocati dalle emissioni maleodoranti. E’ opportuno pertanto un salto di qualità nell’affrontare la questione: il problema esiste e non ci si può trincerare dietro un’autorizzazione , occorre andare oltre,far sì che parte di quei proventi che derivano dalla produzione di energia sostenuta da fondi pubblici, venga investito per attenuare il conflitto sociale permanente derivato dalle emissioni maleodoranti di dette attività. La mia sgradevole impressione è che questa Giunta non abbia né il coraggio di affrontare con giusto cipiglio la questione, né la determinazione necessaria per andare fino in fondo per ottenere miglioramenti della situazione attuale.

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC

Poems For A Wishing Tree

to let us smell!

Sign. Sindaco,
non passa giorno ormai che non riceva segnalazioni dai cittadini circa lo stato di degrado air quality in the central north of the city. The areas most affected by the disruption surrounding the distilleries are to be those established for some time in the fabric of the city. Emissions annoying, and you do not know how harmful, cause in some people even more susceptible to eye irritations and respiratory tract. The odors that are perceived to be by the sickening sweet, until you get to real stench unbearable especially in summer when you sleep with the windows open. A state of deep distress for some time complained of, which so far has not been given any solution that can mitigate social conflict date from unhealthy activities in contact with the population. It goes back some time ago a project Oleificio Tampieri it was meant to eliminate most of the malodorous emissions, was submitted and approved by the City Council, then it is not heard nothing, nor of the future development and the subsequent effects. A "nose" is not changed that much so on this point is essential to clarify the official ARPA and the Department of Environment.
also a concern of the new investment CAVIRO centered on the production of biogas known to be the bearer of unbearable stench, also thinking of the provisions of the PSC that provide for a 'residential expansion in areas adjacent to the plant. I question
pertanto l’Amministrazione Comunale per conoscere:
-se nelle principali distillerie della zona centro nord della città: DisterCoop , Tampieri e Caviro siano utilizzate le BAT (best availables technologies) per la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale
- lo stato della realizzazione del progetto di cui sopra per la riduzione delle emissioni maleodoranti o nocive dell’oleificio Tampieri
- la verifica accurata della previsione delle emissioni del nuovo progetto C aviro
- la verifica sull’impatto ambientale della Distercoop

Gilberto Bucci
Capogruppo LTF-UDC

Friday, July 2, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver English Mediafire

because of the rate change everything because nothing


I want to reassure the coordinator of the CGL Faenza, the fact that many of us to be appalled by the way of doing things and who gives him his rope. The odg arrived in the work of the Council 'IDV, was inappropriate at this stage in time and manner, as we approach the July 13 meeting in which a coating that the Mayor could give rise to positive news. It 'was just a political exercise to bring the city council in fierce rift occurred between the trade unions on the management of OMSA affair, in which the CGL has a distinctly minority position even among the women than the other unions. An exercise to lament, a vent without clear objectives can not become the method of work City Council, so much so that even the Mayor, responsibly, he preferred to abstain from the vote dell'odg. IDV what was wrong political action especially in times and ways, the series ratings will we do when we have facts in hand, if after mid-July there will be good news, then we can consider other attitudes. The so-called "insults" to the workers who do so bleak for political exploits their tragedy, not those who responsibly attempt to finalize the matter.

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Friday, May 28, 2010

Usb Fan How Much Electricity

The ocelots

News at all costs was the political choice of Faenza with past elections, the new mayor and some aldermen even ignorant of politics. After more than fifteen years of administration substantially equal to itself, the Faenza they thought that people would be changed by changing the system to manage: they have been right? The application begins to have some answers already in the submission of planning guidelines that will track the work of the next five years of city government and what is clear is not comforting. There are three versions of the program: one for the primary center-left, the second for the elections, the third with the latest deletions to govern, and all three have little in common. First, the Catholic question: apart from the family quotient program copies the UDC there is much, indeed arise all the contradictions of the left on issues dear to the Social Doctrine of the Church is not explained what kind of family we are talking, we avoid about protection from life from conception, there is talk of setting up the register for the conservation of biological tests in homage to the anti-Christian movements. But a question arises: is interested in what many Catholics Faenza? Probably not, after voting for anyone who was brought from the left, now trying to rebuild their credibility, but ultimately the change will be not only in words and in deeds, in perfect conformity dominus dictated by the situation that for too many years is once again left moloch. In a situation where the system left shows deep cracks with criminal investigations that call into question the credibility point of excellence has always been considered by the system, namely health and social, should be a less ambiguous, more marked on some issues, most innovative and daring of the document presented, the result of politically weak and precarious balance, to manage a company that requested the change. It says "change everything to change nothing": The Leopard teaches ....

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Doctor Checking Woman

to change before it was a bluff that is the post!



Once again, the FAC sparked controversy on the actual outcome of participation and involvement of the city. Once again, the excesses of a press event pumped concerned emerge in all their contradictions and gravity. We start from the party in the pool without water, Maradona-style clan of Naples over the years. An event fee result of a mentality that wants to use (we hope not to break) the public goods for their personal amusement. Then think of the desolation of some events with stands conspicuously empty of visitors, despite the fervor so-called "volunteers" in an attempt to turn every event to make "critical mass". And what about the now classic gourmet dinner with renowned chefs, held on Friday in the hall of the Municipal Flags of residence? A slap to the misery with public money that is always given to all, while we also call for sacrifices from everyone. While the return on the cultural city can be different opinions on the economic returns do not doubt there are minimal if it is certainly not insignificant and similar opinions on this record. Let me conclude with a worrying aspect: the amnesia of the Mayor. If even a young age he has already forgotten those words a few months ago in its campaign about the FAC, branding him rightly as a manifestation of useless, expensive and needs to close; today after a short time the statements are totally opposed to content, PD power sector of the communication or the need to woo the city's needs in the general divorced ?
As frequently expressed in recent years underlines once again the strangeness of the event to the city compounded by the fact that today, for lack of funds, close experience of highly skilled training for youth as the School of Music. This event held in Faenza, then, has nothing to say about the great circuit of contemporary art that runs on Milan, Rome, Paris and New York! I am more convinced than ever that the left radical chic, can be expressed better elsewhere, not in a city like Faenza where it is intolerable to spend large sums to the ephemeral, while there are laid off and families in need for the heavy economic crisis.

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Winchester 30 30 Gold Trigger

fac or bluff?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Grandfather And Granddaughter Songs


Damage to crops kiwifruit

Faenza The City Council met on ... ..


the continuing price shocks to the production of agriculture, established

the severe winter cold damage to crops and nurseries of kiwifruit caused by abnormal drops in temperature during the pre-rest of plants,

given that an estimated damage to the 2010 production by over 50% and a failure to take root in nurseries by 70%,

considered the great importance of the local agricultural economy and culture of the major repercussions of damage to an area already tested by recurrent crises,

also considered the disturbing national spread of bacterial infection that PSA has already led to the slaughter of tens of hectares of kiwifruit plants specialized in the best areas of the country, calls

the Province of Ravenna and the Emilia Romagna region in competition with MIPAAF and the European Union to take steps to implement the measures urgently needed to support farms in a time of severe economic difficulties,

also calls on those bodies to enable all the technical requirements and administrative provisions necessary to combat the spread PSA from the destructive effects of bacterial infection kiwi plants, in order to preserve the unique culture so far failed to guarantee a minimum income for farmers.

Gilberto Bucci
Parent-LTF UDC

Monday, May 3, 2010

Milena Velba And Nadine Jenson- Milking

Omsa interpellation


In yesterday's session of the City Council I have been sitting because of the following interpellation:

"Mr. Mayor
learn from the press and FB of a major evolution of the story OMSA. We come to the attention of a letter of interest to the acquisition by a company from Abruzzo. Given numerous speeches and position papers on the subject by the Council Comunale di Faenza e la delicatezza della questione, chiedo maggiori informazioni visto lo strano modo di diffusione della notizia corredata da un’intervista al Sindaco stesso.
Interrogo pertanto l’Amministrazione per conoscere se vi è l’intenzione di attivare un flusso di informazioni corrette con il Consiglio Comunale od almeno i capigruppo per la gestione certa delle notizie riguardo una vicenda che tiene sulle spine una parte importante della città”.

A questa richiesta il Sindaco ha dato risposta facendo il punto della situazione ed ammettendo la scarsa correttezza della gestione delle notizie in merito.

Nella replica ho invitato il Sindaco a riferire dell’incontro che si terrà May 13 pv to the Ministry of Economic Development and to manage the affair without being overwhelmed by events.

The impression given is of great concern to me: the management of the start of this term is very shaky and politically weak, needed more skill and attitude to the crisis that unfortunately is also felt in our city.

(Gilberto Bucci)
good start!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Platypus As A Pet In California


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Milena Velba And Nadine Jansen- Milking


Within a month this site will be reorganized: become the personal page of Councillor UDC Gilberto Bucci . Probably we will move to link a note of this link now to not miss any updates.
